In Pursuit of a Better Life – The Ultimate Guide For Finding Kidney Donors
Are you in need of a kidney transplant hoping to find a living kidney donor? Waiting for a deceased donor’s kidney can take years. Therefore, your best bet is to find a living kidney donor to end your wait. But, how does one go about finding living donors?
Most kidney patients hoping to get a living-donor kidney transplant find this assignment beyond overwhelming. That’s why author and preemptive kidney transplant recipient, Risa Simon, wrote In Pursuit of a Better Life: The Ultimate Guide for Finding Living Kidney Donors. Now living a life full of health, joy and gratitude, she’s pledged toshare her powerful insights with those in need.
In side this book, readers will find powerful information and communication strategies to help them find a kidney donor without the daunting task of ever having to ask.
Wish you knew how to start the conversation, engage listeners and expand awareness? This book will help you build enough courage to share your story and enlist a team of advocates who can spread your story and “create buzz” about your need for a transplant.In Pursuit of a Better Life is full of story examples and sample letters that can be used in social media and emails. This kidney patient empowerment book also includes talking points and tons of valuable resources.
This powerful book also serves as the perfect “Rescue Guide” for dialysis patients hoping to be free of the machine.
In Pursuit of a Better Life is a one-of-a-kind guidebook and a must read for anyone seeking a preemptive kidney transplant. It’s the perfect companion guide for anyone hoping to find a living kidney donor, and for those wanting to help friends and family in need. Now available in Paperback, Kindle and Audible off Amazon’s website . You can also download the E-Book and Audio Book from the links below.
Would you like an author’s signed copy of this paperback book? No Sweat! Just click the paperback link in the right box below. And, if you’d like her to personalize the message, simply email your request (along with order verification) to: Risa@TheProactivePath.com
About the Author
Role-Play Videos & Stories
Not sure what to say or how to say it when sharing your story to increase awareness in your need for a kidney transplant? You’ve come to the right place. In this role-play video you’ll observe a hopeful transplant patient share her story and invite a friend to help her expand awareness of her story in social media. As the conversation grows, a thoughtful shift occurs, inspiring her friend to contemplate donation. This role-play illustrates how “positive story sharing” can lead to favorable responses.
What Transplant Centers Are Saying: “Authentic and inspirational patient role-play videos on “how to tell your story and ask for help.” These videos were captured from the speaker’s heart—and connect to the hearts of all viewers. Thanks for taking the heavy-lifting out of our never-ending wish list!” – Michelle Sturges BSN, RN, CCTC, Living Donor Transplant Coordinator, UC Davis Transplant Center
Role-Play (Transplant Candidate Updates Friend)
Donor's Heartfelt Message
What Transplant Centers Are Saying
“This book is a tremendous resource for hopeful transplant candidates. We purchased several hundred copies for our annual nephrology conference to get this information disseminated to dialysis professionals. Now we need to figure out a way to get this book into the hands of all our waitlisted patients. Best thing in print on this subject!”– Michelle Sturges, BSN, RN, CCTC, Living Donor Transplant Coordinator, UC Davis Transplant Center
“A rare gem—there’s nothing like it out there! I’ve highlighted just about every page. I’ve shared the book with our transplant coordinators and support staff, and they’re using it too! The book includes conversation tools and template letters that take the “heavy lifting” out of helping patients find potential donors. It’s become an invaluable “go to” resource for our transplant center.”-Charlie Thomas, LCSW, ACSW, FNKF, Social Worker, Transplant Institute Banner University Medical Center -Phoenix
What Dialysis Educators Are Saying
Wonderful book! A great resource for those in need of a kidney transplant. Well written in a positive, empowering style. As a professional nurse educator of kidney patients, I have purchased several copies for our lending library.” – Christa Lawson, RN, BSN, Care Coordinator / Transplant Coordinator, Reach Kidney Care
What Kidney Patients Are Saying
“We’ve been told to talk to family or friends, but never given specifics on what to say. This guidebook offers scripts, communication tips and several letter templates! I feel excited about my future again. What a gift!” – D. Patton
Shift Your Fate: Life-Changing Wisdom for Proactive Kidney Patients
Disheartened Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients who fear a life-sentence tethered to a machine, now have an opportunity to bypass dialysis and live a more fulfilling life. This kidney patient self-help book offers proactive strategies and life-leaping advantages over standard trajectories. Author and preemptive (live-donor) transplant recipient, Risa Simon, is living her best life ever. She tells her story with dauntless candor and offers “behind-the-curtain” gems to empower better outcomes. Risa and her many book fans and followers are living proof that this wildly successful patient empowerment system works!
Even if you’re years away from ever needing a transplant, this powerful book will set you on a proactive path that will give you the advantage you’ve been striving for. Start securing your best future today! Shift Your Fate: Life-Changing Wisdom For Proactive Kidney Patients.