A Non-Profit 501c3 Kidney Patient Empowerment Organization

Story Videos ( Share Your Story in Video)

If you hesitate to talk about your need for a living kidney donor there is an engaging social media concept you can consider. It involves the use of story videos. Story Videos are a great way to get your story out there with more than just words. They offer facts and attention-grabbing visual content.

It has been said that people remember 95% of what they watch in a video and only 10% of what they read in text. This is what makes informative story videos so powerful. You can either make your own story video or have them professionally produced and customized.

Social Media Story Videos

Do you need to get your story out in social media so more people know that you are hoping to find a living kidney donor for your much-needed transplant?  Here’s your chance to get a professional video produced with your name and contact information for you and your transplant center.  

Our video producer has walked a mile in your shoes. All you have to do is answer a few questions and we’ll create the content to educate and inform your viewers from the moment they click “play.”  In less than less than 3 minutes they’ll understand your need and know how to help if they choose to do so.

Video Not Your Thing?

No worries. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you. You can get a semi-custom video for a fraction of the cost you’d have to pay to hire a professional videographer to create and edit. Check out our example below—to see how story videos can be your best outreach tool for sharing your story.

Here’s what you’ll get:

Your customized video will include:

  • ‘Ready-to-Post’ 2-minute inspirational video 
  • Your name and contact info will be included, along with your transplant center’s and applicable links
  • Facts on the value of living kidney donor transplants — and the hardships of dialysis 
  • Your urgent need for a transplant, and the risks involved in waiting for a deceased donor’s kidney 
  • An invitation to learn more, share your video in social media — and expand your search 

Don’t waste another minute waiting to see what comes next.

Start networking your story with a professionally produced video about your story and need.

Become a Donor-Magnet® by posting your story video and start attracting potential donors!

Discover more about story videos at this link: https://transplantfirst.org/story-videos/

Your Ideal Donor is Out There!

Talking about your hope to find a kidney donor can be overwhelming. With your own story video you aren’t faced with having to build up the courage before sharing your story. Your video does that for you. Viewers can either respond or simply share your video in their network to expand your search. *Depending on your social network, you can get 100’s of eyeballs within just a few hours.

Discover more about story videos at this link:  https://transplantfirst.org/story-videos/

You can also discover more about our revolutionary “Donor Seeker” mobile app for English & Spanish “how to” videos and powerful resource links here: https://transplantfirst.org/donor-seeker-how-to-find-kidney-donors/
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