A Non-Profit 501c3 Kidney Patient Empowerment Organization

Are you hoping (and praying) you’ll find a living kidney donor but feel uneasy talking about your situation—or asking for help? You’ve come to the right place! The Donor Seeker App provides 4 powerful video lessons that will instantly help you boost your confidence and story sharing skills! You’ll also learn the best way to share your story and recruit a team to help you spread the word!

Worry NOT about asking anyone to “GIVE UP” a kidney.
You’ll never have to experience that “ICK” factor as a Donor Seeker.
The only thing you’ll be asking for is for people to share your story and hope for finding a living kidney donor story who can end your transplant wait. As soon as your listeners discover the wait for a kidney transplant using a kidney from a deceased organ donor takes years, you’ll be on your way. If you’re asking for anything, it’s for help with your living kidney donor search. The rest lies in the hearts of your listeners.

Learn How To Expand Your Search for Living Kidney Donors in Less Than 15 Minutes!

The Donor Seeker mobile app empowers kidney patients (who are waiting for a kidney transplant) to spread the word about their need for a living kidney donor. Offered in both English and Spanish, all 4 video lessons can be viewed and put into practice in less than 15-minutes!

Learn How to Build A Team to Help You Share Your Story & Start Attracting Living Kidney Donors!

We’re helping waitlisted transplant patients boost their search for a living kidney donor with conversation videos and a bundle of resource links on blood type matching, incompatible donor options including Paired Donation (KPD)
and Voucher Programs, and self-help books, story videos and more!

All 4 video lessons can be viewed in English & Spanish and put into practice in < 15 minutes!

Learn How to Become a Donor Magnet® — Start Attracting Living Kidney Donors Today!

Sneak Preview Our Video Lessons Below

This video lesson highlights the importance of sharing your story and hope for finding a living kidney donor. If you’re waiting on the list for a transplant or know someone who is, this lesson will help you gain more insight. You’ll also feel less alone as you invite
others to join your team to expand your search for a living kidney donor who
can end your kidney transplant wait.
This video addresses how to talk to your family & friends about your need for a kidney transplant and hope for finding a living kidney donor (who can end your wait and need for dialysis). You’ll also learn how to share your story with more confidence and ease—and build a team to expand your reach. Build your story’s impact with conversation-
openers, story elements and attention-grabbing talking points.
This video is packed full of story-sharing tips and scripts for face-to-face conversations, emails, social media posts, message boards, signs, story cards, and story videos. Discover how to script your story—and be on the lookout for opportunities to talk about your search for a living kidney donor. You’ll not only learn how to craft and share your story, you’ll also learn how to create interest and curiosity in living kidney donation.
This video helps transplant hopefuls (+ family & friends) build a shared “contact list” to keep track of promising conversations. Emphasis is placed on staying in contact with everyone who offered to share your story and those who stated they were interested in getting tested, so promising intentions don’t fall through the cracks. This lesson also addresses “offer acceptance reluctance,” as well as recipient and donor emotions.

Learn How To Expand Your Search for Kidney Donors in Less Than 15 Minutes!



TransplantFirst Academy’s patient engagement platforms were created by patients for patients.
“Our mission-based vision continues to be a guiding light to empower kidney disease patients to proactively advocate for their best life possible. The life I and many of our followers now live.”

— Risa Simon, Founder

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