A Non-Profit 501c3 Kidney Patient Empowerment Organization

Increasing Organ Transplant Access (IOTS) Model. Medicare 2025-2030.

Increasing Organ Transplant Access (IOTS) Model. Medicare 2025-2030. Key Takeaways:
New performance metrics will serve as the basis for the proposed incentive payments, with three categories assigned a score totaling 100 possible points.
For example, each performance year, a participating kidney transplant hospital will fall into one of three categories based on their final score as follows:
  • Final score of 60 or greater: Hospitals will RECEIVE A LUMP SUM UPSIDE RISK PAYMENT from CMS equal to the final performance score minus 60, then divided by 60, then multiplied by $8,000, then multiplied by the number of kidney transplants to attributed patients with Medicare as their primary or secondary payer during the performance year.
    • For example, a hospital that performed 150 qualifying kidney transplants and received a final score of 85 would receive a $500,000 lump sum payment under the proposed incentive calculus.
  • Final score between 41 and 59: Hospitals in this performance range will be considered neutral and will not receive any lump sum payments or be required to make any payments to CMS.
  • Final score of 40 or lower: HOSPITALS WILL OWE CMS a lump sum downside risk payment equal to the participant’s final performance score minus 40, then divided by 40, then multiplied by -$2,000, then multiplied by the number of kidney transplants to attributed patients with Medicare as their primary or secondary payer during the performance year.
    • For example, a hospital that performed 150 qualifying kidney transplants and received a final score of 35 would owe CMS $37,500.
    • Downside risk payments will be required only after the second performance year
May be an image of 1 person, hospital and text that says 'Increasing Organ Transplant Access Model Proposed 6-year mandatory model: CMS Model people Increasing designed increase disease. selected proposed mandatory would support care coordination, improve address health-related patients with kidney disease Model Goals Maximize deceased donor kidneys. Create more equitable transplant process. Identify more living donors assist potential living donors through the Reduce barriers care and address health disparities. the kidney Improve quality care before, during and after transplantation. Did You Know? Around people were on the waitlist kidney transplanti the about kidney transplants were Kidney transplant Approximately 5,000 people die each year waiting transplant. 3-5 years longer recievea transplant'


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