A Non-Profit 501c3 Kidney Patient Empowerment Organization

Membership Level change

You have selected the Healthcare Professional Pilot Program - By Invitation Only membership level.

This level of membership is by invitation only. This level of membership is by application and formal approval, or invitation only. This level enters into an agreement between the TransplantFirst Academy (TFA) and another professional organization who chooses to institute a PILOT PROGRAM in their facility by using all three tracks of TFA's patient curriculum. TFA's trainers guide will be required for facilitating patient sessions. Pilot programs will receive a copy of the trainer's guide, and an ample supply of patient learning tracks for patient dissemination. Observation documentation and submission of data will be required as defined by the official terms of their specific pilot program agreement. [contact-form-7 id="2908" title="Discount Code"]

The price for membership is $0.00 now.

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